The Naysayer

I am the one they call The Naysayer. What can I say? I Naysay.

Sunday, January 29, 2006

What they said

Um, ya--about the Prez and spying....this editorial from the NYT is a where I was going....

Also, check out FafBlog's insight: Q & A: Our Omnipotent President.

Thursday, January 26, 2006

the Prez and illegal spying

George W. Bush. I'm not going to rant or try to do a superanalysis on why it's being played like this by the administration.

I'm a little upset. Strictly by justice perceptions. Here's the deal: the debate isn't be about whether or not we should be spying on Americans. I personally feel that civil liberties have been infringed, but--IT'S NOT RELEVANT.

The debate is about whether the Prez can skip out on the checks and balances. There's a policy in place--a secret court. They are allowed to go to them 72 hours later. Over the history of this secret court, they've shot down 2 requests (not like shooting it down retroactively would do anything, but anyways). SO WHY SKIP OUT? This is about skipping out. Is it legal for the Prez to not check in?! NO. That's pretty simple. It's simply unjust to skip out on the checks and balances. Procedurally, it's bad form. Distributively, it's alienating. It's that "I'm above the law" thing.

I'm guessing we'll hear stuff like, "It's a different world today, 9/11, blah blah." And that's fine. But the point is, the Prez broke the law. No one's arguing that spying on people WON'T help us gain info on spies. Why not go through the proper channels? We'll hear crap like, "It would take too long, blah blah blah." I go back to my retroactive point. And anyways, do you seriously think that anyone in Congress or in the courts is going to say, "You know what? We don't want to help protect this country! Fuck you, Mr. President." People would work to find a compromise. And they'd keep it secret, too--just like the current FISA system does.

We'll probably hear, "If you don't support the Prez, you're unpatriotic. He has our best interests in mind." I'm just saying, THAT'S NOT THE POINT! IT'S IRRELEVANT. WHY IS HE AVOIDING THE COURTS? THAT'S WHAT'S RELEVANT.

It's kind of interesting: I remember hearing during the Clinton years (from Gingrich and some other Republicans) that executive powers have been far expanded beyond what's needed, and that executive power needs to be reduced. FDR and the New Deal was way too much, and we've been paying for the Prez having too much power. I believe that Clinton was granted (by a Republican House and Senate) a line-item veto in his first term, and that it was repealled along the same lines--the president can't pick and choose which portions of a bill to veto! And now, it's all changed. The Republicans are now OK with an expansion of power--the Prez can do what he wants if it's for national security! And the Dems are crying, "Too much power! We need less executive power!"

But what do I know.


A funny little email I received--

Do you have feelings of inadequacy?
Do you suffer from shyness?
Do you sometimes wish you were more assertive?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, ask your doctor or pharmacist about Tequila.
Tequila is the safe, natural way to feel better and more confident about yourself and your actions.
Tequila can help ease you out of your shyness and let you tell the world that you're ready and willing to do just about anything.

You will notice the benefits of Tequila almost immediately, and with a regimen of regular doses you can overcome any obstacles that prevent you from living the life you want to live.

Shyness and awkwardness will be a thing of the past, (well shyness anyway) and you will discover many talents you never knew you had. Stop hiding and start living, with Tequila.

Tequila may not be right for everyone. Women who are pregnant or nursing should not use Tequila. However, women who wouldn't mind nursing or becoming pregnant are encouraged to try it.

Side effects may include dizziness, nausea, vomiting, incarceration, erotic lustfulness, loss of motor control, loss of clothing, loss of money, loss of virginity, delusions of grandeur, table dancing, headache, dehydration, dry mouth, and a desire to sing Karaoke and play all-night rounds of Strip Poker, Truth Or Dare, and Naked Twister.

Tequila. Leave Shyness Behind.

My sister's little car

I love my sister to death. But that little car she's driving--oof! It's a goner.

My sister is driving a 1989 Mazda 626 LX Sedan. My parents were nice enough to give it to her (or sell it cheap--don't remember)....they gave me one as well, but it died a couple of years back. The transmission went. I drove it into the ground. It was a good car, but it was time.

I'm afraid her car is not doing as well as she says. She is indeed correct when she says, "It runs, dammit!" It's just that there's something just a little off with just about everything. I will try to recreate:

Taillights--a little beat up (but still functioning)
Headlights--a little beat up (but still functioning)
Windshield--cracked and with rock (spiderweb) chips [she says she can barely feel it, but I know there's structural ]damage there. I've had my windshield replaced by Allstate (it was convered) for less!
Heating--it no longer heats
A/C--it no longer cools
Body damage-- on the left side. Front AND back.
Misc--A piece I didn't know existed fell off the front--to her credit, my sis did get some masking tape, but dear LORD!
I mean, come on....I tried rolling down my front passenger seat window, and the freaking DOOR opened!

And seriously--it's not really a big deal (as the car is running, and the transmission's kicking and the engine block's not cracked)--but man, oh, MAN is that thing old. I love my sister to death. But that little car she's driving--oof! It's a goner.

Good luck with it, sis.

True Vacation--afterwards

Well--I had an amazing time with my sister. We tried a little of everything! Seriously--we went hiking, we went to a fancy-schmancy tea place (think of a set straight from Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon). We watched a documentary on migrant workers from Mexico. We ate at a Native American restaurant. Hell--my sister even cooked salmon my last day there! On the side, we slept in, worked out, and attended the opening night of a Jewish film festival! And on the more raw side, we watched some female cross-style combat (I'm sure there's an official term for this--it's like judo and kickboxing rolled into one). I also managed to read John Grisham's "The Brethren." GOOD TIMES!

Most importantly, catching up with my little sis was a lot of fun. And we didn't kill each other or anything!

Getting away from it all led to some mental clarity. My mind and body needed a rest, and upon returning, I am invigorated and excited. Grad school's gonna be a breeze now, right?! (Don't quote me on that.)

Saturday, January 14, 2006

"Sex noises"

I live in graduate apartments. Some describe our community as tightly-knit; others say the lack of privacy is suffocating.

My next-door neighbor and I share meals every now and again--perhaps I cook dessert and make a salad, while she provides the main course. It's nice to interact with her outside of our standard, graduate school relationship. She's very studious, very meticulous, and very high-strung.

During these dinners, Neighbor and I able to discuss co-workers, our town, exciting events in our lives, and the like. And some cooking tips as well. (Did I mention this neighbor of mine can cook?) We try to keep things light-hearted--I only trust two people in my graduate program--but sometimes we share some more profound conversation.

I was a bit surprised (/taken aback/stunned) last week when she nonchalantly said, "So, are you hearing sex noises?" I may have hypothetically blanched as I turned away, trying to hypothetically regroup. There's no way out of this hypothetical one.

I mean....what do you say to that? What do you do? Hypothetically speaking, if the "sex noises" had been coming from my room (I have been known to have sex in the past), what was I to do? It's awkward enough getting called on it (hypothetically)....but what to do? Apologize? Deny? Give her a remote control to turn down the volume? Earplugs? One could (hypothetically) make the situation incredibly awkward, a la Curb Your Enthusiasm or Ricky Gervais's The Office....ask her if she wanted to watch? Join in? Film?

Other possible responses:

1. Oh--I thought you were getting laid! I didn't want to say anything, but congratulations!
2. Sounds like fun--tell me more about that!
3. Could you be a little more specific? I mean, what exactly are you hearing?
4. I haven't heard anything, but---well--at least someone in this apartment complex is getting laid!
5. Does it sound something like this....? Nope--haven't heard a thing!

But I replied with none of these. "Sex noises?" I said.

"Ya--I've been hearing sex noises lately. I think it's coming from downstairs." And she mercifully changed the topic.

The rest of dinner was good. She had made lasagna to accompany my home-made, lettuce-free salad with tomato-basil cheese.

Want to know what we had for dessert? Leftovers of, and I kid you not... Better-Than-Sex-Cake.

True Vacation on Hold

I arrive in Phoenix at 9:30 pm (Mountain Time). Standard luggage problems ensue; 45 minutes later, my lone suitcase transfigures.

I scheduled a 2-hour shuttle to Tucson a few days prior. I'm fairly certain I scheduled the 10:30 pm (Mountain) flight landed at 9:30 pm, after all, and my idea of a good time actually does not include waiting for two hours at an airport AFTER the flight.

I'm told that the 10:30 pm shuttle was not booked by anyone, and cancelled yesterday. I'd be taking the 11:30 pm bus.

I don't know what was more amusing--the pimply teenager not making eye contact as he shared this news (professional), his playing solitaire intently with playing cards (very professional), or his half-hour disappearance while the phone rang (promotion-worthy). Maybe he had other shuttles to cancel.

My true vacation was on hold until I could be transported to Tucson....but my resolve remains stronger than ever. I can't wait to get away...

Airport and a True Vacation

I haven't taken one of these in a long time. This weekend, I'm truly going on vacation. I'm not bringing any work. No dissertation work. No work work. I am truly dropping everything and getting away. No books. No research articles. The hell with it, I say! No worries, no problems—just roll with it!

I'm foregoing the NFL playoffs this weekend. Not watching any television. No bars. I'm going to visit my sister, and I'm not bringing any lifestyle baggage. Suitcase. Laptop. Camera. That's it. One pair of sneakers. Two pairs of jeans. One belt. None of this "Well, would this look better with the brown belt and the button-down?" crap.

I await another plane to depart my gate . They want to charge me $6.95 to use the internet. It's $4 for some freaking coffee. I'm surprised I'm not charged a restroom fee. And I wait. To take a 45-minute flight and then wait some more. Nothing beats layovers…but soon, I'll get away. I can't wait to get away. Just for a few days—make the real world disappear. Recharge. Refresh. Release.

Friday, January 06, 2006

FedEx gets the FedAx

It's over. The ordeal is over. I just wanted a stupid monitor.

On December 14, 2005 (that's last year), I ordered an old-school computer monitor for $75. I was told that it would be arriving the next day, December 15th. That's because it was being shipped a total of only 200 miles. I was given a tracking number to follow my FedEx Ground shipment.

I was surprised to see that FedEx did not put the shipment into their database for a full day, but I figured, "What's the harm in a day? We're talking 200 miles--just send it in on December 16th." Three week later, I was still waiting.

Now I appreciate technology as a vehicle of communication as much as the next guy: I mean, knowing when your package is due to arrive can be very useful information. The online tracking feature has its perks. I found tracking my package day after day to be more of a curse than a blessing. Had the information been accurate, who knows....

I'll try to make this short. The status of my package shifted when it wasn't supposed to, making FedEx look responsible. The status also didn't shift when it WAS supposed to, not showing other errors. In other words? Mistakes were erased or altered to make FedEx look like it was doing its job, and posted online. Very impressive, but did they think I wouldn't notice?! There was no mention of their picking the package up late, leaving the package in Columbus for 2 days, leaving the package in Toledo for 2 days before attempting a delivery. I wouldn't have minded, except when I called they promised delivery within 36 hours.

I asked that they leave the package at my door, a reasonable request for three reasons: 1) Since the package was under $100, this is FedEx policy; 2) the shipper said a signature was not necessary; and 3) I SAID A SIGNATURE WASN'T NECESSARY.

And somehow, despite being told to leave package by door without signature, the driver did not do so.

I tried to roll with it. I called FedEx again--they were very friendly on the phone--and they said they would make sure that the package was delivered on December 29. I called again on the 28th, and they said (in a very friendly manner) that my package would NOT be arriving on the 29th (what a surprise) it didn't make it onto the truck, and would need to be picked up tomorrow. There was no trace of this mistake attached to my shipping number on their website.

They told me my local office (30 miles away) would call take care of everything. We apologize for the delay, it's the holidays, blah blah blah. I probably won't have anything for a week, wish there was something I could do, blah blah blah.

Local office calls and tries to give me instructions on how to PICK UP THE BOX FROM THEIR HQ. I'm starting to wonder, and politely ask, "WHICH PART OF DELIVER THE FREAKING BOX AT MY DOORSTEP DO YOU NOT UNDERSTAND?! I SAID IT LAST YEAR TOO!"

We apologize for the delay, it's the holidays, blah blah blah. We'll get it to you as soon as possible, blah blah blah.

My package arrived 22 days after it was shipped. I justed wanted a stupid monitor.

I think to myself, FedEx gets the FedAx. I'm through with them! What happened to that movie with Tom Hanks, and that volleyball "Wilson?" You know--the one where he's a FedEx guy and ships packages with timers inside? Time is money?! Where were they when I needed them? I was shocked, outraged, disappointed--false advertising, dammit!

* * *

Post-tirade, I wanted to ship my old computer monitor out to a friend. And I went right to the USPS website--they were charging $50 for the same package. I had to check out the alternatives...and wouldn't you know it, FedEx was $15. I couldn't pay over 300% the price to their competitor, but the transaction reeked of hypocrisy. This wasn't a "I'll pay the extra $.30 and not support Walmart" kind of decision. I genuinely could not force myself to pay almost as much to ship an old monitor as buy a new one. What was I to do?

It's over. The ordeal is over. I just wanted a stupid monitor.