The Naysayer

I am the one they call The Naysayer. What can I say? I Naysay.

Saturday, February 10, 2007

More tongue in cheek

From the Daily Show's mockumentary of 'Laguna Beach....'

"Reality is just life....without school, fat people, poverty, rain.....or herpes."

Sunday, February 04, 2007


From A Prarie Home Companion's Eighth Annual Joke Show:

How many Christians does it take to change a light bulb?
[Three, but they're really one.]

How many Catholics does it take to change a light bulb?

A Unitarian is just a Quaker with Attention Deficit Disorder.

Why is a Unitarian Universalist Church like Raisin Bran?
[Well you take away all the fruits and all the nuts, all you have is flakes.]

What do the Reverence Billy Graham and the Minnesota Vikings have in common?
[They both can get 65,000 people on their knees screaming, "Jesus Christ!"]

What's the biggest advantage of being a test-tube baby?
[A womb with a view.]

Why do single women weigh less than married women?
[Single women get home from work, check what's in the fridge, and go to bed. Married women get home from work, check what's in bed, and go to the fridge.]