The Naysayer

I am the one they call The Naysayer. What can I say? I Naysay.

Sunday, December 25, 2005

Movie Time!

So, I watched a bunch of movies while on vacation. I saw King Kong--well done acting job by Jack Black. Naomi Watts is hot, but I'm not impressed with her acting in this one. She spends half the movie screaming and crying-not Oscar-worthy in my opinion (as opposed to Jack Black). Oh--read this.

Jim Carey's movie, Fun with Dick and Jane, was not-so-funny. I like taking pot-shots at upper middle-class America as much as the next guy, but having a movie about losing all your assets with the terrible economy we've had the last 3 or 4 years? Not so funny. And a really weak ending, too.

Brokeback Mountain--Ang Lee rules. This movie was worth the hype--it managed to capture the beauty of the mountains and the rugged cowboy lifestyle while portraying

Pride & Prejudice--Well done. Beautiful cinematography, and good costumes. I don't usually like these "time" pieces or whatever they're called, but this was well done. I should probably read the book (and Sense & Sensibility while I'm at it. And War and Peace).

Munich was absolutely riveting. Spielberg is a rock star, we all know that...but this was a real intense look into terrorism and counterterrorism, and the Arab-Israeli conflict.

Apres Vous--Netlix movie. Starts weak, but develops into an intriguing story.

The New York Times's A. O. Scott lists his favorite movies. Haven't heard of half of them, but when I had, I concurred.

I sure do miss Netflix. Maybe when I get my dissertation done and I become Dr. Naysayer....


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